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Valve for dry powder, foam, water, ABF - Wet Chemical fire suppression system with safety bursting disk.6Kg, 9Kg, 12Kg / 6 – 16Lt
Valve for dry powder, foam, water, ABF - Wet Chemical fire suppression system with safety bursting disk.25Kg, 50Kg / 17 – 35Lt
Nickel plated (CO2) valve.2Kg, 5Kg
(CO2) valve, with inlet thread 1" NPT. Brass nipple to adjust the dip tube.
(CO2) valve, with inlet thread 19,2 x 14 (17E) NPT. Brass nipple to adjust the dip tube.
Handwheel (CO2) valve, mini-size, with inlet thread 19,2 x 14 (17E) NPT. Brass nipple to adjust the dip tube. Max allowable pressure: 174 bar (600C)
Handwheel (CO2) valve, for trolley fire extinguishers.
(CO2) fire suppression system valve. Manual, pneumatic or fuse activation(Fuse not included.)
Solenoid valve for (CO2) / IG-541 / IG-55 fire suppression systems. Inlet thread 27,8 x 14 (25E).π (BAM), CE (VdS)
PYRELLAS – IOANNIS NIK. MAVROUDISAthinon 12 and PlataionP.C. 185 40, PiraeusGreece
210 4220329 210 4125154
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